Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rainbow of bliss

We are living a love story
other people can only dream of...

Feelling humble,
feeling undeserving,
feeling lucky...

Feeling we somehow 
need to share the blessings


scatter it all over the world
like a rainboy of bliss...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

co-creating with you

Your beautiful ,strong energy
mixed with mine,
your light and my light combined
becoming stronger
in each others' presence
like a heart-warming sun
that can light up
both our worlds.

Our mix of love
translated as 
healing and inspiration for you
strength and abundance and change for me
joy and peace for both...

so looking foreward
to co-creating with you, my love.
On all levels...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Your kingdom

''What kind of eyes are those'',
she wondered.

No, she didn't really wonder.
Because she could only feel.
And some kind of mesmerising sensation.
Like, she could trust him.

He is standing there, talking to her.
She has no idea it's him
( cunning little bastard,
he did it, they met h i s way)
all she could think of was
that she liked those eyes, 
and that he'd better ask her out
or she'd have to ask him first,
and she hated doing the asking herself.

But he didn't ask her (yet).
Instead, he offered to escort her
to the subway
( a horrible neighborhood it was)
so that she'd return home safe.

Biting your time, my love.
Like you always do.

Drawing me into your world.
Or sliding into mine.

Into me.
Mind, body and soul.
And heart.
My heart was always your kingdom...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What turns me on ( and off)

You know so damn well
what turns me on
and off
what sets me on fire
and what makes me moan with bliss.

And you're using that information
so damn well, my love...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Special Outfits

Flashback, almost three years back then.

She had already planned
special outfits
for special occasions with him:

''this one for our first meeting,
that one for our first night ,
that one for when we...

She 's never worn the actual outfits
because he'd met her in his own terms
because she is too excited and happy
whenever she'seeing him 
to bother about clothes.

Because he preferes her soul bare.
Same as her body..

Monday, September 22, 2014


''So, what do you think?''
she asks him.
''Shall I, or shall I not?''

''It will be harder for you and yours
if you do it this way''
he says.

'' But easier for us...''

'They always come first ''...
he reminds her.

And his every single action 
ever since they met
is a living proof
that he is walking his talk.

If it weren't for you,
my love,
my world would be 
such a dark, dark place...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Loving you again

Βeing in your arms again.

Listening to you commenting on current news.
(I call this briefing me in, lol, 
cause you know I never warch the news 
and I would have no idea 
what's going on in the world
if it weren't for you).

Υour hand on my hair,
mine on your thigh.
Getting whiffs of your smell.
Relishing your nearness.
Sensing your strenth.
Loving your tan.
Giving you playful love bites.
Loving you with my body again.

Please dear God,
stop time for a while,
just this once

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How much you are worth to me

Yes, it's actually a miracle we found each other.

How we miss each other like crazy.
How our souls melt when we make love.
How we are slowly making each other's dreams in love come true.

How you are my godsent.
How I am your blessing.
How we are each other's bliss.

Next time we are within touching distance
my body is gonna show you
how much you are worth to me...

Monday, September 15, 2014


''Oh . My . God! 
she thinks to herself.
He is jealous of himself, 
jealous of his οther persona!''

Aint that cute....

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Your burning words

Oh how your words touch me
 in a way I find difficult to describe,
touching my soul,
touching my mind, 
touching my heart,
caressing my body
nourishing my spirit...

Whatever you say to me,
feels like foreplay, baby...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

I want a lover..

''I want a passionate weirdo for a lover, 
an addictive weirdo ,
a trouble maker, 
a passion-setter,
someone who quarrels with fate for my sake, 
someone whose minds burns like fire 
and sets mine on fire too.

Someone whose yearning for freedom surpasses mine
( and that's a feat by itself!) 
Someone whose hair is tangled in stars
 but whose feet are strong enough
 to carry me for a stretch of the road 
when I'm so tired I can't go on.

 I want a passionate weirdo for a lover...''
she said.

And God delivered...
Down to the last detail...

Friday, September 12, 2014


''Cum''..he says.

And she does.
Again. And again.
And again.

Because coming is always coming into ourselves.
Coming into our glory.
Into our happiness
Into our togetherness
Into our world
Into our tears
Into our doubts
Into our pain
Into our bliss
Into our jealousy
Into our hunger for more
Into our hopes
Into our dreams
Into our love.

Coming into every little detail of our story
Coming into our real selves

Monday, September 8, 2014

When the going gets tough

When the going gets tough

When all the world is conspiring
for us not to have 
what our hearts crave for

When that voice in my head
seconds every scary scenario
that other people predict for us

When I'm tired 
of fighting off your deamons and mine

When I'm on the brink
of giving up for good

My heart whispers:
''He's the only one ever
who gave you such a smile''...

My heart knows
what my mind
and other people don't:
You are my happy...