Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Playing along

Read somewhere
that as long as a man plays with you
like a mischievous boy
is still very much in love with you,
very much in lust with you


And I'm playing along....

The world can keep their serious face
You and I
still playing like two kids
When making love
When online
When offline
When talking on the phone
When talking to other people
When texting
When talking to each other face to face

We play
That's what we do

Thank you
for reminding me
what it's like
to play again.

I'm happily playing along...

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Out Of This World Experience

You always read my stories 
along with everyone else,
I never show them to you beforehand.
I want to sense your sense of eagerness
as you are clicking on my latest story,
our story.
''What is she writing about
this time?''

This time I am writing about 
the thing you do to me
that drives me crazy.
With pleasure.
Of course.
I can already sense your reservations:
''Dont write about it.
They re gonna think it's too out there.
Some things need to be experienced
or else they're never gonna be believed''

I remember how
before you came
you once told me about it
having exprerienced it
with another woman
and I was like
''What crap. The guy is out of his mind''

Then, it was my turn
To experience it with you....

The first time you made me cum
through your thoughts,
I thought I was imagining it.
''No, it's not real''
''What the fuck is this????''

But it was.
And happening.
And I was cuming. And cuming.
I didnt know what you were doing
because you didnt say a word.
You were just doing it.
Working your magic with your mind, 
as we were lying side by side.
And me responding.
And cuming.

''What are you doing to me?''
I asked, breathless,
unable to accept that this was for real.
Us connected in a way
that made our blended consciousness
more intense than physical touch.
Orgasmic pleasure soaking my body.

You did it again 
and again and again.
Part of our repertoire now.
I never know beforehand
when you re about to do it.
That's the whole point, I guess.
Catching me unawares.
An unexpected gift.

Pouring your soul into me
with just your thoughts
and me responding
by physically experiencing
intense pleasure.

Cuming into you... 

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Silent Promise

Before you came, 
it was your ability
to seduce
every bit of resistance out of me.

When you first started dating me,
was your extra-magical abilities
to ravish me out of my mind in bed.
Again and again and again.

it's all the above
your fierce way to love,
your silent promise
to be here for me
until the day
I no longer need you.

Still do...
Always have,
always will...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Thank you, Again

Thank you 

for showing me off to your coworkers.

For letting me show you off

to my friends.

For letting me be my weird self,

for letting me be a girly girl all over again.

For seeking me out,

even when you are not physically with me,

to cheer me up,

to fill me up,

with your words, voice, love.

For making it so easy

to admire you,

idolise you,

love you.

For making me feel 

I'm the only one for you.

For being the kindest man

I've ever met

but also the sexiest too.

And thank you

 for putting up

with random assholes

trying to flirt with me

on the internet

and you brushing it off

so sweetly and confidently

Love you to the moon

and back...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

All the sad things they predicted for us

I remember
every single thing
other people have said
to me
about our love story.
People full of good intentions, mostly.
Trying to put some sense into me

Their words
burning in my memory.
Sad thing, usually,
doom predicting things.

-''He 'll never come to you'' (you did)
-''You won't like the real him as much ( I liked the real you exactly as much )
-He's leading you on ( you are turning me on, constantly)
-''You'll be part of his 'harem' ( ''I'm part of his heart '', I tell them)
-''He's making fun of you ( you are making love to me, in every imaginable way)
-''It won't work because of the distance ( you are making it work, in spite of the distance)
''It's not real love, it's infatuation ( yes, it's not j u s t real love, it's spiritual love bliss)
-''There are too many problems and difficulties for you to be properly together (all of which magical dissipated, one by one)

-''It won't last'' (it's lasting, on and on and on)

And the recurring one:
''Just you wait , until you actually move in together...''
Implying the magic will fade eventually.
But actually, all the while, half fearing
that not only it will, but it'll grow stronger
and stronger and stronger.
Proving them all wrong.
Confusing them 
by defying their preconceptions.
Lite it does already.

It's alright
No real malice intended.
They meant no harm.
It is pure rational thinking talking.
All those people.
Meaning no harm.
Trying to protect.
Me, you.
Talking sense.
Talking through their brains.

Meanwhile, WE were loving
through our hearts....

Just our combined aura felt
lights up space, baby.
Baby of mine.

We go on lighting space.
We go on loving.

Just because...