Friday, October 18, 2013

Rose Magic

A person who is in love has wings on their feet, 
she knows that
everyone knows that.

Love heals everything, empowers everything

She loves rituals .
Rituals that have meaning only for her.
Her personal brand of magic.
She wants to celebrate an anniversary of love
on a beautiful full moon week.

She chooses roses, her favorite flower.
Their love is a multisplendour thing,
so multi-colored roses it is.

She won't buy the rose, 
for love has nothing to do with buying-and-selling.
It must be found, searched for,ecountered or freely given.
She walks all over the town, outskirts and all.
Many abandoned homes with gardens
full of rosebeds
surviving as if by miracle.
She has spotted them on her daily walks.
Then there are friends' and relatives' gardens 
she 'll stop by, asking for rose blessings.

She returns home with one red, red rose
seven multi-colored ones in full bloom
and a tender rose bud.
All hand-picked, found or begged for.
All so fragrant and beautiful, 
you'd think you're gonna faint
just by smelling them.

Each rose stands for an aspect of their love

-Crimson-Red Rose for the physical, sexual part of their love
-White Rose for the pure, unconditional, selfless love
-Pink Rose for the romantic, tender, youthful, cherished love
-Violet-purple Rose for spiritual communion of soul love
(a rare thing that emits the headiest fragrance of them all)
-Magenta Rose for passion, empowerment and freedom
-Orange Rose for joy, exuberance, festivity and lightheartedness
-Yellow Rose for deeper understanding, companionship, frendship
and a small rose bud so that love is always new and budding

She boils the petals of the red one
mixes them with honey and some brandy
makes herself a deliscious rose tea
puts the rest of the roses in a crystal bowl
She drinks to their loving
his and hers

Blessed be the love that stands the test of time.....

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