Friday, February 21, 2014


Yes, she's greedy.

She gulps down her coffee
in two sips,
devours her slice of cake
in two mouthfuls.
 she loves having lots and lots of sex.

Lots of it.
Every day, all day if possible.
(he made the 'all day' part possible).
Like, there is no tomorrow. 
Exactly like that.

And her infatuation with him?
It has pushed it to the extreme.
Plus, she misses him so when he's away.
There are only so many hours every month
when they can actually be together physically.

She won't ask for it persistently
or demandingly,
that's for sure.
But he can tell
she's always after some more.
''I love it, insatiable foxy'',
he tells her,
''how you're always, always in the mood,
even after you're full''.

Yes, she's greedy.
But only of the good stuff...

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