Friday, September 13, 2013

Like A Dog. Or A Wolf

''When it's fucking time, I'm like as dog, ''he said 
''I cant sleep and I cant eat. Just fuck''

She laughed. 
It was a figure of speech, of course, she thought to herself.

Then she saw him in action.

She'd sleep in his arms, exhausted, 
during their first weekend together, 
then wake up after a while still in his arms  to see him still wide awake, waiting for her...

Hours upon hours of loving
and cuddling
and talking
and enjoying each other

no sleeping or eating for him
like a dog
or like a wolf
intent on an age-old purpose

She'd admire his stamina
his strong will guiding an equally strong body
his insatiable desire to please her body
and nourish her soul
she soaked in that sweet sweet feeling 
of being the intense focus of one's tenderness

''Oh but surely, he's bound to fall asleep eventually?'', she wondered.

Then after two sleepless days of strong amour
he finally falls asleep
she tiptoes away from the bed
relieved for him to finally be getting some rest

she treats herself to some chocolate
watches the shadows growing longer and longer
on the mountains out of the window
warms herself by the fire
warmth creeping into her mind, her heart, her body
still open and a bit raw from their lovemaking

she checks on him lying peacefully on the bed
then she realises he's been watching her behind half closed lids
his gaze following her around

she climbs on the bed, laughing

''You must be either a genius or a saint to be able to go 48 hours without sleep'', she whispers to him.

''Or a madman'', he jokes back, smiling

''Like'', she mentally comments.
''Exactly what I was looking for, equal parts of madness and genious.''

''That's my man''

Then she stops thinking
and starts feeling
as she always does when buried in the nest of his arms

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